Labels NYAN!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chapter 3 quotes

I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited - they went there.
chapter 3
this shows how important gatsby and how popular his parties are

I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.
Chapter 3.
Nonsense to show how they think that scholars get drunk but their minds sober them up

It's a triumph. What thoroughness! What realism! Knew when to stop, too - didn't cut the pages. But what do you want? What do you expect?
Chapter 3.
This quote shows Nick judging again.

It takes two to make an accident.
Chapter 3.
this is true Nick says it to Jordan

I belong to another generation....You sit...and discuss your sports and your young ladies....As for me, I am fifty years old, and I won't impose myself on you any longer.
Chapter 4.
This is to show the difference between old money and new money

Gatsby HW

4 Paragraphs

Party Rock! In this chapter Nick is at Tom's house for a party. At that party Tom introduces his mistress to Nick and the book introduces us to Myrtle. Usually Nick would sit back and judge people, but this time he did not. Instead he got drunk for the second time in his life. Tom is selling a car to Mr.Wilson, Wilson needs that car to make money out of it. This chapter gives us a very clear view of the a tragic character.

B*** please! That is how Tom reacted when Myrtle said Daisy's name. Tom is a very wealthy being and he wants what he does not have. That is why he cheats on Daisy but later in the book he refuses to let Gatsby take her. For him Daisy is a good, something he had earned and he wants to keep the possession of that good. but Why? Well, simply because Daisy talks money, she means money. And that makes Tom look richer when he is married to Daisy. Tom is a character that describes old money and wealthy people in America. I would argue he is a theme, the theme of money, but that is just my opinion.

Oh the humanities! Myrtle is a tragic character. The reason for that is that she has a flaw, she always changes and she has very high self esteem. Later she dies from Gatsby's car. She is very important in the book, not as a character more of an object to show tragedy and also to help the denouement to the end. She is very weird with her dressing style and she is not exactly what Tom would look for in a girl. Tom would look for a girl like daisy who is beautiful and speaks money.

Gumby? No Gatsby! The second chapter is more of a chapter that goes over the theme of Haves and Have Nots and it helps giving us a better understanding if Myrtle And Tom. This chapter is very important to the understanding of the book and without it the book would have a harder denouement on the audience. Maybe this chapter has a connection with chapter 8? The symetrical chapter.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


ACT I – The Loner
Sequence #1 ( 01-10) Setup: Protagonist In The Ordinary World
Sequence #2 ( 11-20) Call to Adventure / Predicament / Inciting Incident
Sequence #3 (21-30) Turing Point: Change Of Plans / New Lower Obstacles

ACT II – The Wanderer
Sequence #4 ( 31-40) Elaborating on the Dilemma and The World of Story
Sequence #5 ( 41-50) Hero encounters TESTS, ALLIES, and ENEMIES.
Sequence #6 (51-60) Point Of No Return / Discovery Of False Goal

ACT III – Towards The True Goal: The Warrior Phase
Sequence #7 ( 61-70) Complications, Higher Stakes, And Subplots
Sequence #8 ( 71-80) Culmination Toward The Main Plot
Sequence #9 (81-90 ) All Hope Is Lost

ACT IV – Result Of The Action: The Martyr
Sequence #10 ( 91-95 ) Final Push Toward The Main Plot
Sequence #11 ( 96-100) False Resolution (The Twist)
Sequence #12 (101-105) Final Test of Character and True Resolution
Sequence #13 (106-110) Final Confrontation
Sequence #14 (111-115) Climax


Tv show (prison break)


Michael is in the ordinary world and gets himself in jail, at jail there are many items who changes his plansof breaking out it also shows all the characters. The incident is lincolns sentencento death. They key plot is Michael trying to get his brother out of jail. The element that makes the plot out of control is is when they put officer brad under ground after he discovered that they are breaking out. And then they have to breakout that same night even though they are not ready.


Michael makes new friends to break out with and enemies at the prison. Like sucre for example or Bennett as enemy. Michael gets a new goal and it is to bring down the company. Here the key plot became escaping the chickens. The pinch is when the company was doing anything they could to bring thhem down.

Act 3

Michael tries to fight but fails and ends up back in jail in panama he looses all hopes. And has no goal but a new goal is set and it isnto save Sarah. Mnoe the key plot is back to breaking out of jail. The pinch is that Michael thinks Sarah is dead.

Act 4
We discover that michaels mom tries to kil them and is the enemy, they twist the whole story and at the end after failing many timesnthey get scylla. The mom is the final confrontation. The sword here is Scylla. And the key plot is to get the company down. The pinch is that t-bag was trying to get the same thing then them and he had information about it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Close up shot, Tony got shot and he is out of ammo, he is planning his next move
Close up, he is looking down at all the enemies
Cut in, Tony is reloading his little friend
Long shot, showing the scene an Tony is in his office with the enemies outside
Another longshot it showing more enemies going in
Longshot showing Tony falling in the pool dead by the shotgun freak
Medium longshot Tony screaming say hello to my little friend
Medium longshot Tony killed the people outside the door and now he is screaming you wanna play roug
close up at Tony looking at the door
Two shot one at the gun close up. And one at the door longshot
Closeup Tony screaming what now little cockroaches ?

Monday, November 21, 2011

childhood poem


The childhood is the most important part of a human life because it creates the memories who defines you.

But in his memories he remembers being wounded and hurted. The first idea is about him being wounded long time ago and he grew up to revenge on his father. It helps the main idea because it describes one of his memories which describes his current personality.

And then he talks about how pain is related to love and love is related to pain. From his memories he remembered not being loved but the true is that he was loved but his memory was confusion him.

Sunday, November 13, 2011



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Henry V

Big Idea
-The audience is the key

Ideas of service of the Big Idea
-The audiences imagination completes the play
-The play is not perfect but the audience have to learn how to deal with it
-The play is based on the thinking of the audience

Ideas in service of those ideas
-It is very hard to understand the play without thinking
-The play is a piece of awesomeness but only when the audience thinks about it
-Imagination makes the difference

People hanging in south london at the renaissance?
Drama is all about action.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Saab Ad


Listen, im only gonna say it once. The advertissement was destined to an certain audience. The audience is drivers. Because drivers buy cars and they are trying to sell a car and since drivers buy cars than they must be targeted so they know that they have the choice to buy a Saab car instead of any other cars a driver can buy. The ad was in a magazine that was probably shown at the airport or in planes because it has at the end, enjoy your flight. That also tells us that thte audience are people that fly and have a life so they need transportation so therefore they will need a car to get transported. And they are doing so by showing off something, and that something is the big idea.

Saab-o-tage. It has nothing to do with the paragraph but sounds funny. The big idea in the Saab advertisement is that the 9-7x SUV is a marvel of engineering. There are ideas in the service of the big idea, for exemple; when they are talking about the Saab egine. Therefore there are elements in service of the idea that is in service of the big idea. For exemple it would say that it does not waste fuel, because it has a great engine, because Saab creates marvels of engineering. But in the text they are just helping the big idea by giving facts. They also used propaganda to convince the audience.

Professinal Paganda. Is used to convince the audience.The whole image is black and dark when the logo is blue and bright it is used to contrast against the rest of the visuals to show off better that it is saab. The car is dark and shiny. They are using repetetition quite often with the word SUV to enphansive the fact that the car is an SUV and the rest of the text describes it as a sedan more than a SUV. It then grabs the viewer attention using AIDA.

AIDS is bad, but AIDA is good =). They use AIDA to plant an idea in the minds of the people reading the advertissment. They plant the idea, and let it grow by itself but it also shows you the way for action. They bring attention with the big title. Then interest when they talk about the 17 engineers. than Desire when they talk about what the car has that makes it special and they show the way to let the idea grow in their mind with a website so that the reader can take action. I can't come up with a conclusion,so, THE END.

Monday, October 10, 2011



Made it, Ma! Done with my essay! Not so fast, i forgot to check over it twice to make sure i've got the perfect essay. I've got a good overall essay. But i still have some errors. My grammar and my spelling is the main error. Microsoft words does not cure cancer... But it still gave me a perfect organization and i was always on the main idea.

You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am. I coulda have done better. I need to improve my grammar and spelling. I had many words that were not spelled  corecttly and sentences that made no sence. I i improve my grammar and spelling the flow of the essay will be better.

 I love the smell of essay in the morning. This is why my essay was very well organized and always on the main idea. My essay was good. I would sometimes get too caried away and talk about history more than my idea but then i would find a way to connect them so i can come back to my idea. And the organisation of my essay is fabulouuuuuuus!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Final Digital Paper

Final Of My Paper

My name is Jobs, Steve Jobs. One of the builder of the modern world. He co-founded Apple and made it fail just to bring it back to life harder than ever. Apple was not always cool. To become cool they had to change the way they were working. Apple did not get it right the first time. They thought it was about power, but in fact it was about Cool. The Macintosh and all the products that were released when Steve Jobs was not working for apple anymore were missing the main factor, Coolness. And when Steve Jobs came back he understood, and then came the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. Apple sure did went through a lot to get to where it is today. Even their logo had to be redesigned.

Apple was not always an Apple. It once had a avatar very different from the one we all know today. Apple's first logo was not cool. It had Newton under a tree and an apple about to fall on his head. It does makes sense since the company was named after that story that made Isaac Newton invent Physics and was the first event to the modern world. Customers do not care about the meaning of the logo if it is not cool. They did not have any professional marketers to give them a proper image for the company but the Apple I made them enough money to hire someone. The logo did not live a very long life.

To Apple or not to Apple? Apple chose the right decision by changing their logo to an Apple. Apple’s logo became cool. The logo was filled with the colors of a rainbow. It shows happiness and is esthetically appeasing. It stayed the same for a long time until it changed to the logo we all know today. Apple needed to be cooler, and their old logo was not pulling it off. That is why they decided to change. Without the change, apple might have never come that far.

Steve did not do his Job. He worked very hard on the Macintosh but it did not hit the public like he expected. Apple lost their coolness with the T.V. ad for the Macintosh. The Macintosh was the most powerful computer at that time and the best one, but it was too expensive. Steve wanted to transfer a message in that advertisement, he wanted to tell the world to free from the monopoly they are imprisoned in. He is referring to how IBM was monopolizing the market. The advertisement was not cool to the public since many liked IBM and though the Macintosh was too expensive. Apple was inspiring the people to be rebels, the rebel was imaged by the girl different from the other trying to break what others believe in. So the Macintosh did not sell. Steve Jobs was fired from his job, and apple entered the worst years in its history.

Apple’s banana years. It was not the apple we all know, it was different. Apple did not understand that what people wanted was as simple as cool. Apple was not cool in the years steve jobs was not working. They came out with a few products. On the picture are some of the products, they are very ugly and not attractive. Nothing more than a IBM computer. They even had a tablet but it was very not cool. It did not work very well. Apple was about to fail so they decided to buy Steve’s new company, NexT, and with the company came Steve Jobs.

Open your I’s! That is what Apple did. They finally realized what the public wanted and they produced for the public. Apple finally became cool again. Steve before coming back to Apple had co-founded Pixar and their first movie, Toy Story, made a big hit. This is where Steve understood it was about design and esthetics. And that it was Apple had in head when they were designing their next product, the iMac. The iMac had it all, you could choose the color and it was very sexy. The iMac fast became the coolest computer around. Apple computers were branded as the computer for artists and designers. The iMac caused apple to be back in the market. And it was the first kill of the kill streak. 

Music at a whole new level! Apple saw the opportunity in the Music world and how cool music was and they took it. Apple’s level of coolness grew in 2001. The idea already existed, but apple pushed it forward. Bring your whole music library in your pocket. It was small, very small at that time. And it could hold a very large amount of music. The back of the iPod was metallic, and that gives a very cool look to the iPod. It was very popular, everyone had to have one. Individuals who had one were cool. Having an apple product was then consider being cool. And Apple started to make more money than ever.

The against monopoly company, becomes the monopoly. Apple is, in 2007, a monopoly in the handheld devices. Not only for the iPod, this time they came out with a bigger gun, the coolest phone in the world, the iPhone. It was the first smartphone and it was able to do preety much anything a computer does. There is that same metallic back to it and also the software was very cool and simple. People were so seduced by how cool the device was, there were lines of people in the apple stores around the world. And apple became the new monopoly they were trying to fight in 1984. Apple is now the coolest company the world knows and people will buy anything they sell because it is signed Apple. But that is not enough for them, they want more than that. So they pushed the handheld business further.

The future is today. Apple is now the coolest company in the world with their newest product, the iPad. Apple is getting cooler than it already is. In 2010, apple announced their iPad. Apple believes that tablets are the future of computing. It is a very interesting design, very thin, very sexy, and not expensive. The iPad is monopolizing the tablet industry and Apple is growing cooler every year. In this advertisement apple is playing some happy music and showing how nice looking the iPad is. Showing cool people using the iPad to make people thing that by using the iPad, they become cool. And Apple is not finished, they have the good formulae and they will use it until another company finds better formulae to be cool.

Apple had it all. It went from cool to uncool and back to cool again. And now they are leading the world in computers. From their logo changes, to their products there are selling to the public. They all failed because they were not cool enough. They use to fight monopoly and now they are the monopoly. Everyone in the world wan a apple product, to show off or for its ease of use. But now that the genius behind the success of the company left, Steve Jobs. Will the company continue on its kill streak or will it go the same path than between 1984 and 1997?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Aristotle's. your damn wrong.

Once, i asked for a water bottle in India, they did not understand. I repeated myself 3 times, and then i asked the same question with a Indian accent. The guy said: "Ooooooh VWATER BOTTLLLLE! ok sir."

Monday, September 26, 2011


 Paper Outline with media pieces
b1: logo1

b2: logo2

b3: macintosh
b4: years without job

b5:steve jobs return, the imac saves the company

b6: iPod

b7: iPhone

b8: iPad

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Body 1: Apple

Body about the Logo and how the Logo was not cool before the popular Apple.

Apple was not always an Apple. It once had a avatar very different from the one we all know today. Apple's first logo was not cool. It had Newton under a tree and an apple about to fall on his head. It does makes sense since the company was named after that story that made Isaac Newton invent Physics and was the first event to the modern world. Does a customer care about that? No, it looks ugly on the their products and it is very not cool, in fact you look like a nerd having this logo on your goods. That year the Apple I came out, it was the first personal computer and the start for the company. They did not have any professional marketers to give them a proper image for the company but the Apple I made them enough money to hire someone. The same year the Apple I came out, they changed the companies logo to the one we all know today. But it was not silver, it was filled with the colors of a rainbow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Game of Throne Monologue

Game of Thrones Dialogue

Introduction of My paper.

Did Steve do his Job? He sure did but in a moment of Apple's history, people were not interested in their product. They were sure the most powerful you could get, but power means money and their products were really uncool. Apple was not always cool, it became cool. At that time IBM was leading the computer business, And Steve Jobs did not know that what people needed was something that was "Cool". Steve jobs got fired from the ex CEO of Pepsi Co that he had brought in Apple. But when he came back, things changed. Steve Job learned a lot about what people wanted, but to do so, he had to go though another loss. How did apple change their image to the world to become today's leader in technology? Well they studied what we want, and we want "cool". When they finally came up with the right "cool" product (the iMac), their sells boosted and they came back in the game of cool. What made the company not "cool" to the eyes of the people?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Apple INC

first apple logo. not very cool.

hippi logo COOL ya!
todays logo. COOOL!

Apple ad when they introduced the macintosh.. not cool... didnt work out... steve jobs was fired