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Thursday, December 1, 2011


ACT I – The Loner
Sequence #1 ( 01-10) Setup: Protagonist In The Ordinary World
Sequence #2 ( 11-20) Call to Adventure / Predicament / Inciting Incident
Sequence #3 (21-30) Turing Point: Change Of Plans / New Lower Obstacles

ACT II – The Wanderer
Sequence #4 ( 31-40) Elaborating on the Dilemma and The World of Story
Sequence #5 ( 41-50) Hero encounters TESTS, ALLIES, and ENEMIES.
Sequence #6 (51-60) Point Of No Return / Discovery Of False Goal

ACT III – Towards The True Goal: The Warrior Phase
Sequence #7 ( 61-70) Complications, Higher Stakes, And Subplots
Sequence #8 ( 71-80) Culmination Toward The Main Plot
Sequence #9 (81-90 ) All Hope Is Lost

ACT IV – Result Of The Action: The Martyr
Sequence #10 ( 91-95 ) Final Push Toward The Main Plot
Sequence #11 ( 96-100) False Resolution (The Twist)
Sequence #12 (101-105) Final Test of Character and True Resolution
Sequence #13 (106-110) Final Confrontation
Sequence #14 (111-115) Climax


Tv show (prison break)


Michael is in the ordinary world and gets himself in jail, at jail there are many items who changes his plansof breaking out it also shows all the characters. The incident is lincolns sentencento death. They key plot is Michael trying to get his brother out of jail. The element that makes the plot out of control is is when they put officer brad under ground after he discovered that they are breaking out. And then they have to breakout that same night even though they are not ready.


Michael makes new friends to break out with and enemies at the prison. Like sucre for example or Bennett as enemy. Michael gets a new goal and it is to bring down the company. Here the key plot became escaping the chickens. The pinch is when the company was doing anything they could to bring thhem down.

Act 3

Michael tries to fight but fails and ends up back in jail in panama he looses all hopes. And has no goal but a new goal is set and it isnto save Sarah. Mnoe the key plot is back to breaking out of jail. The pinch is that Michael thinks Sarah is dead.

Act 4
We discover that michaels mom tries to kil them and is the enemy, they twist the whole story and at the end after failing many timesnthey get scylla. The mom is the final confrontation. The sword here is Scylla. And the key plot is to get the company down. The pinch is that t-bag was trying to get the same thing then them and he had information about it.

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