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Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to fight the media?

How do I rebel if the corporate world owns everything I think is cool?
In a world where everything is a giant marketing scheme, how would a teenager that realizes what the media is doing be able to rebel against the world? By looking at some of the popular types of rebellion we can see how everything you do will make someone in the corporate world win some money. The best way of rebellion is a way that makes the corporate world win nothing out of that rebellion. The problem is that in a modern world, society is owned by cool, and rebelling against it is rebelling against society. Social life can be affected too.

Social life is something very important to human survival. If everyone at your school thinks that a certain type of music is cool and you decide to rebel against that type of music, there are two possibilities. Either your type of music becomes cool and theirs uncool, or people will see you as an outsider. If you music becomes cool than this is where the paradox happens because their music, in the process, becomes uncool. But then everyone will listen to your music and you who is rebelling against that is then trapped in the paradox. But if people reject you for you unormal taste. Then you rebel by giving something up, which is social life. And also by listening to another type of music, you make the other type of gain some money. By making your own music, you make companies that sell instruments or editing software some money. How to beat the corporate world?

Some people has chosen to break the law to show their power. They go in the street to make graffiti. They make their own art for their own eyes. Others will do drugs to be different from everyone who does not. But companies will still make money off you. Graffiti is not free, it needs paint, drugs neither. And also by breaking the law America makes a lot of money putting people in jail. By breaking the law many corporate make money. So this will not create a problem for them. It is not a rebellion it is more of a other way to make the economy going. But if everything helps the corporate how would a teenager rebel.

It is simply impossible to rebel against that marketing scheme. By doing anything someone will win money in the progress. By buying not cool clothe, the company selling them will make money but also if everyone does it, it becomes cool. And the paradox makes it impossible to rebel against the big corporate world. We are stuck in a paradox of “cool”.

So we are stuck in the cool world because by any way we rebel, that way will by it’s turn become cool. And your rebellion would bring money to a corporate. This is the paradox of “cool”, this is why we can not rebel, and this is why we are stuck in a world designed by the media.

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