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Monday, September 5, 2011

Haiku Analysis


a world of dew,
and within every dewdrop
a world of struggle
(Issa 1762 - 1826)


so very still, even
cherry blossoms are not stirred
by the temple bell
(Fuhaku 1714-1807)

Before i start analyzing this Haiku, i need to know what a Haiku is exactly because i am still not clear about what is a Haiku type of poem. A Haiku contains of 5,7,5 syllables in 3 lines. Line one and two should be different images and line 3 should bring those images together. A haiku often contains a Kigo which cites which season the Haiku takes place, for example, cherry blossom would stand for spring. A haiku should need no explanation. 

In the first haiku the Kigo, if there is one, would be autumn. Because of the world of dew inspires autumn and it's sadness of colors. The haiku has 2 ideas, that are connected by a 3rd idea. The two ideas are different images and the last Idea is a image that connects the two last ones together. Each verse holds an Idea within itself. The meter of the poem is the one of a traditional Haiku, 5,7,5. There is no rhyme in the first poem.

The second poem is a more peaceful than the first poem. As i mentioned earlier the kigo is "cherry blossom" a spirit that summons spring and its joy.  What is the still object in the Haiku? It is the whole of the world that the reader is imagining. A world where there is no wind and no movement in the middle of spring and a temple is there, a calm world. The meter of that Haiku is also 5,7,5 following tradition and it also has 3 ideas which one of them connects the two last ones into one main idea.

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