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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Untitled... gigidy

 Big Idea:POWER
Source: newsweek international
Type: Magazine advertisement, increase awareness.
Audience: Rich people because it is in the newsweek international. you don't have poor people reading that magazine. its more like wealthy, rich people.
We see: a lady running on a grassy landfield at the bottom of the image and there is a large amount of sky and in that sky we can see the sun. The sun and the skyy are very abstract, say squared, unreal while the lady and the grass looks like a genuine photography.

 Retorique Devices.

  • "to" but that is not imporant
  • "Unlimited" it is under the logo and also in the text
  • "power" in different forms like powerful, powering...
  • The difference in color of the lady/grass and the sky/sun
  • The difference of texture and type of image between lady/grass and sky/sun. The sky/sun is more like a painting and the lady/grass is more of a photo. And the shapes are sharper for the lady.
  • "further from our galaxy" and "closer to home" they go in the exact opposite direction they are juxtaposed.
Rule of thirds
  • the sun is greates source of energy in our world. And it is shown by how important it is by being on the top right of the image and also the highest element of the image.
  • at the bottom right there is a log

Audience: Rich people. because it is in a rich magazine. And rich people have the money that suntech wants them to invest in them. So we know that they are looking for investors because the audience is wealthy people.
Interest: A cleaner world, enough energy for everybody and a development in technology.
Desire: Make the galaxy closer to us than ever before
Action: To learn more go to:

This ad is low concept because it does no recreate emotions in the audience. It is directly tied to nature and power. but the audience is not a bunch of environmentalist but wealthy people who are only going ot invest if they are going to win some money in the future.

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