Labels NYAN!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Anton is a young boy that is taken away from his family. This part of the book is the last time Anton sees his parents so it has a considerable importance to the story. There are symbols manifesting throughout the text like the lights and the bicycle. But to understand what is happening we need to know more about the context.

It is in the first chapter of the book where the main incident of the book happens. A important person was murdered in Anton's neiborhood and was moved in front of his house. his brother is on the run and he has been seperated from his parents as the military is settting his house on fire. He is getting in a car as he sees his mom and dad for the last time. At that moment he did not know that his parents were going to be murdered but for us a readers we had a few symbols and clues about the upcoming events.

The light is very important in the book. It tells us in what state the antagonist is, anton. If it is dark them most likely Anton is in a desesperate lost place. For example as he saw his mom for the last time in this text. It says he sees his mom further and furher into darkness. His mom is his source of hapiness or we can say his source of light. Without his parents he is being out into a darkness. It also says that flashlishts are being held against the house showing how much hapiness that house is brining andton and burning it lights up all the future hapiness he could have lived in it at once. And he missed it all. All cause of a bicycle.

The nbicycle is a symbol of the night where his life changed. The night he wandered off into darkness. in the text snton looks at the bicyle and it is surounded by frear and darkness to demonstrate or devastatting it is.

This text shows how ligh and darkness is very importatn for the structure of the whole story. The bycicle is also a source of darkness. Anton saw his parents for the last time and entered a car for the first time. Meaning it was the start of a new era. A era where anton would live many new experience he had heard of before but never actually lived.

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