Labels NYAN!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Perfume MOFO

- Perfume: burburry, 1 million, diesel
- Dr dre beats, Sleek by 50
- Absolut, Skyy, Patron, Black Label,
- Lacoste, Gucci,
- Apple, ALienware,

Monday, March 26, 2012

plan for the IA

Brand: Patron!
Idea: 2 different ads for the product. Each will have a high brand value for Patron. A high brand value that i will make for myself. I will Photoshop the pictures. The pictures will go into an magazine article about Patron. The article will actually be a kind of advertissment. It will be into a alcohol lover magazine or something like so.

Audience: Party people, night-lifers, drinkers, classy rich people.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

P. 108-116 Relfectiiioooonnn

Anton and his family are at a funeral of a former member of the Resistance. He overhears a man names Take mention that he murdered a man and ask a question about it and then confirms that the man that Take killed was actually Fake Ploeg and he admits that it happened in front of his house. Take goes pale and then takes Anton for a talk away from the table. This is no coincidence it is all about fate. Anton married a girl who's father was friend to the men who shot the bullet that killed his entire family. And also Anton is not the kind of man to look for information about the assault he likes to forget about it and move on. It was a surprise that Anton said that to Take. We can see that they had to meet because of Fate. And also Take is in the same position as Anton, the night of the assault changed his life because his beloved one died that night. He never knew if she loved him back. But fate made Take meet Anton so that they can both get the information that they had been looking for their whole life. The difference is that Anton was not looking for the information when Take was ready to die to get that information. When Take is about to explain himself to Anton, Anton tries to shut Takes mouth because he did not wan to hear it but Take felt like he had to explain himself. Take explained himself by blaming everything on Fake Ploeg and the horrible acts he has made in his past. He is trying to say that what he did to Fake had to happen. That day is described as brilliant. Which means it is very bright, And we can see that Anton had just gained a lot of new understanding on what happend in the night of the assault. The cigarettes are also important because they are forgiveness. They try to make Take forgive about what happen and just move on. The more he is stuck in his past the more he has to smoke.

Monday, March 19, 2012

p. 81-82

Vive la resistance! In page 81-82 of the assault we have a riot against communism happening in Amsterdam and Anton's house is in the middle of the struggle. He is indifferent about the riots and he just wants to go home without having his rooms filled with people holding rocks. But as he gets home he meets an old classmate who happens to be the son of the man who's death killed his family and burned his house. They get into a conversation about what happend and Anton is saying that Fake's dads death was different from Anton's family death because he deserved it unlike his family. Fake gets pissed at Anton and throws the rock at the mirror. This scene is very powerfull because you can see the difference between Fake and Anton in education and at the same time you can see for the first time Anton is talking about his past. He is openly insulting Fake without really wanting to insult him. Anton needs anesthesia the pain from the past is comming back to hurt him. And then he gets a headache because that is what happens to Anton everyime he thinks about that incident that happend in his past. He says it is the sreams of the riots, the broken mirror and the oil everywhere but it actually is because of his discussion with fake which made him remember things he does not like to think about, learn about or wonder about.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Anton is a young boy that is taken away from his family. This part of the book is the last time Anton sees his parents so it has a considerable importance to the story. There are symbols manifesting throughout the text like the lights and the bicycle. But to understand what is happening we need to know more about the context.

It is in the first chapter of the book where the main incident of the book happens. A important person was murdered in Anton's neiborhood and was moved in front of his house. his brother is on the run and he has been seperated from his parents as the military is settting his house on fire. He is getting in a car as he sees his mom and dad for the last time. At that moment he did not know that his parents were going to be murdered but for us a readers we had a few symbols and clues about the upcoming events.

The light is very important in the book. It tells us in what state the antagonist is, anton. If it is dark them most likely Anton is in a desesperate lost place. For example as he saw his mom for the last time in this text. It says he sees his mom further and furher into darkness. His mom is his source of hapiness or we can say his source of light. Without his parents he is being out into a darkness. It also says that flashlishts are being held against the house showing how much hapiness that house is brining andton and burning it lights up all the future hapiness he could have lived in it at once. And he missed it all. All cause of a bicycle.

The nbicycle is a symbol of the night where his life changed. The night he wandered off into darkness. in the text snton looks at the bicyle and it is surounded by frear and darkness to demonstrate or devastatting it is.

This text shows how ligh and darkness is very importatn for the structure of the whole story. The bycicle is also a source of darkness. Anton saw his parents for the last time and entered a car for the first time. Meaning it was the start of a new era. A era where anton would live many new experience he had heard of before but never actually lived.
Symbol of the bicycle
Symbool of lights

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Untitled... gigidy

 Big Idea:POWER
Source: newsweek international
Type: Magazine advertisement, increase awareness.
Audience: Rich people because it is in the newsweek international. you don't have poor people reading that magazine. its more like wealthy, rich people.
We see: a lady running on a grassy landfield at the bottom of the image and there is a large amount of sky and in that sky we can see the sun. The sun and the skyy are very abstract, say squared, unreal while the lady and the grass looks like a genuine photography.

 Retorique Devices.

  • "to" but that is not imporant
  • "Unlimited" it is under the logo and also in the text
  • "power" in different forms like powerful, powering...
  • The difference in color of the lady/grass and the sky/sun
  • The difference of texture and type of image between lady/grass and sky/sun. The sky/sun is more like a painting and the lady/grass is more of a photo. And the shapes are sharper for the lady.
  • "further from our galaxy" and "closer to home" they go in the exact opposite direction they are juxtaposed.
Rule of thirds
  • the sun is greates source of energy in our world. And it is shown by how important it is by being on the top right of the image and also the highest element of the image.
  • at the bottom right there is a log

Audience: Rich people. because it is in a rich magazine. And rich people have the money that suntech wants them to invest in them. So we know that they are looking for investors because the audience is wealthy people.
Interest: A cleaner world, enough energy for everybody and a development in technology.
Desire: Make the galaxy closer to us than ever before
Action: To learn more go to:

This ad is low concept because it does no recreate emotions in the audience. It is directly tied to nature and power. but the audience is not a bunch of environmentalist but wealthy people who are only going ot invest if they are going to win some money in the future.