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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Essay outline 2

Body 1: can we recapture the past? Of course we can.
Body 2: the rich are different. The only reason all of this is happening is because they are rich. It is because they can. And it also ties to the theme: what are we going to do with ourselves.
Body 3: past vs present gataby is fighting with Tom about the past and the present
Body 4: alcohol ties to rich are different because they are rich enough to afford alcohol at the hotel.
Body 5: weather and light which are tied: it is a sunny day which means it is gonna be about daisy and it ties up to trying to recapture the past.
Body 6: nick and how he is being judgmental and angry at them
Body 7: Tom and how he is being a dick
Body 8: gataby and how he is trying to recapture the past and who he is.

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